Monday, January 16, 2017

Welcome to my blog which will take you around the world to the Wonders of Social Science.

Come aboard and open your eyes, make sure to see the beauty of each discipline together with the importance of Social Sciences in this post.

The Humanities and Social Science strand has been labeled as "easy", "low salary", "unimportant" any many more. "HUMSS students don't study numbers nor science, it must be an easy strand." Well at first I also thought the same thing but after being a HUMSS student myself, I was able experience the many readings, the neverending brainstorming for new poem/story ideas and many more. Just because numbers are not involved in this strand, it doesn't mean that we can be belittled.

Social science is important. Engineers make buildings, doctors treat the sick and businessmen keep our economy steady. But what about social scientists? Behind these professionals are social scientists who serve as their backbone and support. They study about the people behind those tall buildings, they talk to people who are able to find cure for diseases, they help the people who give jobs to many. Social science has been a vital part in solving the world's biggest issues such as communist attacks, wars, epidemics, rallies, coup d'etat's and many more.

Social scientists study people and understand them. If the people cause problems, social scientists give their utmost effort to look for solutions. Social scientists research on politics, economy, psychology and many other more disciplines to help improve the lives of people in the society. In short, social science help us all.

Yes, people say that there are little job opportunities and low salary in this field but who cares? Its the fulfillment, the joy, the endless information and the adventures.

Now fasten your seat belts! We will be taking off.

Welcome to the City of Economics

Economists have a wide range of study, from choices of individuals and firms (also called 'Microeconomics') and the study of the whole economy (also called 'Macroeconomics').

This shows the importance of Economics. It implies that economists have to understand all participants in the business world and how these participants should adjust or do to improve the economy. 

Without the economists in our country, where can we get our funds? How will businesses earn? Where can your family get money to support your needs? This is why economists and economics is important. 

ようこそ, Fáilte fáilte romhatBenvenuto환영, Welcome to Linguistics Boulevard!

Do you want to understand what the actors in Korean dramas say without needing to read translations? Well linguistics can be your fairy godmother.

Studying linguistics is more than just learning different languages but it can help us understand the real meanings behind what we say, the huge difference between saying requests in a harsh and sweet tone, and a lot more. Through studying linguistics, we can know other people and the society more through their use and manner of saying words.

You're probably thinking that you've arrived the Psychology city, and you're right!

Sometimes we don't really understand why we think, behave and act a certain way. This is where psychology helps each and every one of us. Psychologists research on explanations about the individual's way of thinking and behaving. They help us understand ourselves and gives us ways on how to achieve our fullest capacities. Mental illnesses and disorders are also studied and cured by psychologists.

Imagine your school life without a guidance councilor who helps students in decision-making, choosing a career, and someone who you can talk to in times of despair. It would be hard and confusing especially as a teenager.

A study that would support the importance of psychology (and also guidance councilors) to teenagers is the Associations between Witnessing Parental Domestic Violence and Experiencing Depressive Symptoms in Filipino Adolescents done by Michelle Hindin, PhD and Soccoro Gultiano, PhD. This study talked about how teenagers seeing their parents engage in violence affect or cause them depression. The respondents were 33 teenagers from University of San Carlos in Cebu, Philippines. It concluded that depressive symptoms were common among Filipino adolescents aged 17 to 19 years, and a substantial proportion of these young people reported serious symptoms. Female respondents exhibited significantly higher rates than male respondents for nearly all of the depressive symptoms assessed. Eighteen percent of young men and 21% of young women, respectively, reported feeling that life was not worth living, and 7% and 11%, respectively, reported that they had thought of taking their own lives. It also concluded that parental domestic violence affects the depressive illnesses in teenagers. The research highlighted one of the main factors that would help lessen depression in teenagers which is by talking to guidance councilors.

The House of Political Science

Imagine the world without leaders, soldiers, prison and organization. There would be nothing but chaos. Politics, power and government has played an indispensable factor in our lives that it would be impossible without them; crime rates would escalate, the rich will become richer and the poorer will not have anything to eat. Leaders, though sometimes are the ones who causes conflicts, keep our world afloat.

In relation with this, Political Science is the study of the aforementioned. They also critique government officials, projects and events. Professionals in political science research on laws that would guarantee benefits not only for those above but for all. Many graduates of political science continue their studies to become lawyers and some enter the world of politics.

I think we're getting lost. We have to ask help! Is there a geographer in here?

Geography studies the interaction between the people and the natural features of the earth.Geography has two main branches: Physical Geography and Human Geography. These two branches unify to help people learn  about the planet that we live in.

Without geography, the agriculture sector would be affected. Humans will have a hard time growing plants and crops. Our country, as a leading agricultural provider and a top consumer of rice, benefit a lot from the studies of geographers. 

The news article "Rice self-sufficiency: A question of geography?" talks about how Southeast Asia is leads the world's top exporters of rice and how the geographical features of these countries greatly affect their successful rice economy.

Another importance of geography is predicting natural disasters. With the researchers conducted by geographers, we are more prepared to face earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes and more. We can also know about the weather for the day and how to adapt to these weather changes with the help of geography.

You have entered the Museum of History

Many people often say they get bored studying History: "Why should we dwell on the past? Shouldn't they be forgotten already?" History allows us to make sense of our past mistakes and develop. It teaches us to learn from our ancestors and from ourselves as well. Learning from the works of History proves true of the quotation "Experience is the best teacher."

Military strategies, civilization, laws, conflicts and many elements from the past should be studied to understand such phenomena and ourselves as well. By learning the causes and effects of past issues, people will be more knowledgeable on how to prevent such negative occurrences. 

Studies in History also helps us make a connection between what happened in the past and in the present. We can relate with how the people from the past act and think and do what they did in some situations. 

People often say "History repeats itself." This gives us a better motivation to study history for we cannot let the same mistakes happen again.

 Welcome to the Sociology Community

"Here in the sociology community, we appreciate and love each other!"

Sociology is important to know what will be beneficial to the general population. It seeks the voices of the poor and also the rich. Community and societal problems should be solved with solutions that cannot be a huge disadvantage for any sector, and this is where sociology takes place.

Through the studies and teachings of sociology, we were able to view criminals as human beings and to treat them not less than ourselves. Criminal rehabilitation has also been existing because of sociology.

An article by Euan McKirdy of CNN Philippines talks about the life of prisoners inside the Quezon City jail. "Life inside the Philippines' most overcrowded jail" spills on the scarcity od food and water, not enough space to sleep at night, poor ventilation and all of the hardships that the prisoners are experiencing inside the jail. It also mentioned of the human rights activists who seek change in the prison system to prevent the neglect of human needs to the prisoners.

With the help of this discipline, we are able to connect and know the causes of international disputes. It also teaches us to be more understanding not only for our countrymen but also to people around the world.

Welcome to the Land of Demography!

If you think that Demography is just limited to numerical world populations, then you're wrong. This discipline studies the human population including fertility, mortality, migration and population growth. 

Demography is also in charge of helping organize government funds to support all citizens in the country. This capacity to help plan and organize can bring the materials and sources to its optimum usage capacity. People can enjoy what they deserve and equally.

The study of demography is important for us to know how to allocate our resources and ensure that our way of living is sustainable to save resources for the coming generations.

Welcome to the tribe of Anthropology!

Ever wondered how it's like to fit in to the different tribes? To go back through time and experience the stone age? Anthropology can surely help you.

This social science discipline brings all disciplines into one. Anthropology studies how ancient societies worked and their traditions. 

Anthropology is very important because it gives us studies about different aspects of past societies. First, biological anthropology gives us information about diseases and illnesses that people from communities caught before which can help us be preventive of those sicknesses. Second, it helps us understand the language and how the people felt in the past and also today. Third, it provides us an idea on how people used to interact with their environment and how they were able to adapt. Fourth, the discipline provides us with many cool artifacts that are found in several places. Lastly, it gives us a motivation to be one with the different societies and tribes in our world and learn many experiences with them.


Sadly, our social science trip has come to an end. I hope that these information and insights enlightened you about the importance of social science in our world. May you support this discipline that studies the people, for the people. 

Thank you!

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